Sunday, March 02, 2008

The Spring Season

I just got an update from Craig about the spring league. He wants to get people registered ahead of time this year so I will be at the Crow's Nest on March 24th from 7:00-9:00 pm with the paperwork and you can stop by and fill it out then. He's giving everyone who registers early a 10$ discount so it will be 45$ instead of 55$ (I don't know why it went up 5 bucks this year). He's doing this for 2 reasons. 1) So we can arrive to the first game w/o having to deal w/ this stuff and therefore just start playing right away. 2) So he can figure out ahead of time which teams seem serious. We only have access to 3 fields this year so the league will have 6 teams (if possible).Other than being in Canton on the 24th, I am playing on Friday nights at High Velocity so you can find me there too and for the Ypsi-folk, feel free to just stop by whenever you want to my house and we can fill out the form in Ypsilanti. Also, speaking of the Friday night games, there is still room on the house team for the o30 mens 4th division team. It's 45 bucks and 1st come 1st serve so if you want to join that team, let me know and I'll try to get them to hold a space for you. It's 45 $ and the first game is this Friday at 10:00.