Saturday, March 06, 2010

Big News

First and foremost, we have a future Green Teamer to welcome to the world. On Thursday evening, Elizabeth and Dan finally got to meet Samuel Oliver Moyer face to face. Weighing in @ 7 pounds, 9 ounces and being a full 21 inches tall, we're all super excited. Elizabeth and Sam are happy and healthy and he'll meet you all this spring.In other news, I talked with the guy from MUSL today and he seems to think he can get us in for the spring. I need to hear back from everyone who wants to play (Roger and Roscoe have already declined and the younger guys are too young... it's over 30) ASAP so I can formulate a preliminary list. Right now it looks like we'll have just enough but could use a few more people so we need to recruit maybe 3 or 4 depending how many of you choose not to play on the new team. I'll send a message to Art to see if he can ask around too.

Dan Moyer had a few good team name suggestions... I think Verde FC or Healing Waters FC would work well... unless anyone else has suggestions that trump those. I'm looking into cheap shirts this week of the green variety. They'll probably be green t-shirts, but I might be able to score some nicer jerseys on the cheap.

We'll still do the Canton 7v7 also which will stil include the younger guys, but Roger claims he's taking a year off to heal his ankle and Roscoe may be retiring from the league (he says that every year though).

You'll need to register on-line at the Canton Soccer site for the 7v7 league and in person in Royal Oak for MUSL. We can pick a night and go car-pool if anyone is interested. As Roger pointed out, the registration process could be the biggest impediment to joining this league.

In still other news, my lovely wife took it upon herself to make a Green Team fan page on Facebook. Check it out!!!